Mind Glass Apps

Mind Glass 1.1.1
Mind Glass
What is "normal?"Apparently, Dyslexia is enough to brand someone as a "Dyslexic,"aterm used quite negatively in conversation.What does that even mean? Are we any less intelligent orlesshard-working?Formal scientific research says "NO!" In fact, people withdyslexiaprovide a unique solution to common issues because of theirhighlycomplex brain structure and reasoning ability.But, for these people with dyslexia, society still has notfounda solution to reading difficulty: We use text-to-speechsoftware orjust choose to struggle reading. That approach isnotfeasible.We saw the problem and decided to make an app to addressit.Introducing Mind Glass:• AWARD-WINNERThe Verizon Innovative App Challenge is a program thatencouragesMiddle and High School Students to submit app conceptsthat areevaluated after an intense selection process.The Top 4 Middle School and Top 4 High School teams areconsidered"Best in Nation" Winners, and our Team had the honor ofthisaward!We were honored to be a presenter at the 2015 TechnologyStudentAssociation National Conference.• CUSTOMIZABLE:Our Team knows that you read differently than others, that's whywemade the app customizable to YOU.Read what you like, how you like it.• FURTHERING SCIENCE:Science has been forever puzzled by Dyslexia. We collectanonymousdata about the words that are harder for you to read andcompilethem so that science can begin to do research andfinallyUNDERSTAND reading disorders.One small act, One big advance for humanity.• READ TEXT CUSTOMIZED:Our Team understands that it's not useful for you unless youcanread in your preferred setting.With Version 1.0.4, Mind Glass Introduces customization!Read any text that you cut and paste in your preferred formatwithease.• CONSTANT DEVELOPMENT:We are very passionate about our work at Mind Glass: Wecametogether to address the need we saw in our community andourlives.Together, we promise you that we will work as long as it takestosee all people reading with ease.We won't let YOU down.Version 2.0 is being created as you read this message. Weareworking to eventually be able to read any printed text usingthecamera in your preferred setting.• EDUCATION EQUALITY:Students in schools with Special Education programs do not knowthepleasure of interacting with other students in theclassroom.They are usually singled out by their peers, an entirelyunjustconsequence, especially for students withreadingdisabilities.Mind Glass allows these students to reach their full potentialandexcel in school, because reading disabilities don't justhindereducational progress, they hinder friendships too.Mind Glass presents the solution for turning readingdisabilitiesinto an ADVANTAGE.Welcome to the future of reading.By downloading this app, you are helping to create a worldwithno Dyslexia.With your support we hope to construct this app to work withtheScottish Rite's Luke Waites Center for Dyslexiaremedialinstruction effort.A sincere "Thank You" for your support.~Team Mind Glass